Check out my team mates for @gidiculturefest beach volleyball this Saturday! We are going to bury @officialosas team at Eko Atlantic Beach on Saturday the 4th April. Come watch and bring them tissues. #FadeFitStarz #GameFaceOn #TeamHench #TeamTonkAnTin #TeamNeverScared #TeamStealYourTrophy #TeamBeachFit #TeamEducateTheWeak #TeamOverConfidence #TeamNoRefunds on #AssWhooping #GCF #GCF2015 #GameOn Oreka Godis2 April 2015teamstealyourtrophy, gcf2015, teamoverconfidence, asswhooping, teambeachfit, gcf, gameon, teamneverscared, teamnorefunds, teamhench, gamefaceon, teameducatetheweak, teamtonkantin, fadefitstarz Facebook0 Twitter 0 Likes